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A new source for beds for STR and Furnished apartment

  • Fri, July 30, 2021 12:55 PM
    Message # 10784658
    Christian Szpilfogel (Administrator)

    Hi all you Short Term Rental and Furnished apartment moguls!

    I have been in contact with a the owner of a company called "Second Slumber" who provides good quality beds for our purposes. You may not know this but when people buy a mattress and then don't like it and want to exchange it, these usually end up in the landfill! Second Slumber has made arrangements with a number of companies to reclaim these and resell to our market.

    The discounts are significant and can be shipped to you. The organization also makes a donation from some of the proceeds to a local charity.

    For more information see: https://secondslumber.com/

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