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  • Wed, May 20, 2020 12:17 PM
    Reply # 8982064 on 8980562
    Deleted user

    Thanks Paul!  I appreciate your kind words.  This accomplishment was possible as a result of taking consistent action over a long period of time, which included working more on the "real estate of the mind", than my real estate portfolio. 

    There are many great success stories that have come out of OREIO.  Success is a decision that is sped up with great coaching, a great network, and a commitment to push through failures along the way.

    We are all capable of achieving our goals, as long as we believe it!

    I look forward to seeing everybody again in person!  Hopefully, sooner than later:)

    Rich Danby

  • Tue, May 19, 2020 7:42 PM
    Message # 8980562

    I just wanted to take the time to do a shout out to Rich Danby! 

    Many of you know him as the president of OREIO and often don't get too see the influence that he has on newer investors like myself.  He has been a stellar role model who has given me the confidence and motivation to take action.  I highly encourage anyone who doesn't know him to just go and say hello.

    Since most of you may not have him on Facebook, he did an amazing pitch video for HGTV with his wife that's absolutely adorable and I wanted to share it with you all. 

    It's a good insight for new and experienced investors on how fun and enjoyable the business can be.

    Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVzFqmEmujY&t=4s

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