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What does the Secretary do and why you should care in 2020

  • Tue, June 09, 2020 10:05 AM
    Message # 9025304

    Hey OREIO members!  I wanted to take some time to clarify the role of the Secretary (I know, so bear with me).  The countdown is on and tomorrow the board of Executive candidates will be playing their pre-recorded videos.

    The Secretary, in short, is responsible for moderating the executive meetings.  That includes moderating the discussions, taking the meeting minutes, and preparing the agenda for the following meeting.

    OREIO is about to undergo a major uplift! Talk about exciting, right? Well, no change comes easily and the board will have to act that much more responsibly to deliver on its promises to its members.

    So, all of a sudden, those “behind the curtain” board meetings carry an incredible importance where the board must be transparent with progress and decisions taken during said meetings.

    And who moderates and records the meetings, the SECRETARY! (Hence my excitement.)

    We need the best people our community has to offer.  Aside from being a real estate investor, I’m a career Project Manager.  I moderate stakeholder meetings Every. Single. Day.

    Secretary is in no way a flashy position.  Where positions like President and VP are charged with bringing vision and direction to the organization, the Secretary acts like the backbone to ensure that the system stays on track.  And with all the promises floating on social media, a bit of footing is welcome.

    Thank you all for reading my post and a BIG thank you that have offered their support!  If you have any questions, shoot me a message.

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