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Looking for Landlord legal advisor

  • Thu, January 09, 2020 9:01 PM
    Reply # 8530508 on 6361861
    Deleted user

    Hi Mary,

    Are your recommendations for legal advisors from July 2018 still valid?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Fri, July 06, 2018 6:37 AM
    Reply # 6362989 on 6361861
    Deleted user

    Good morning Christian,  thanks for checking in with OREIO

    If you are looking for competency and expertise in each of the following, I am not sure that a one stop shop would give you the best results.  In my humble opinion I suggest considering the following: 

    • For preparing and customizing leases (residential and commercial), For Residential  Leases, you could Retain an experienced and competent Property Manager, or Property Administrator, to prepare the required Government lease with the addition of an applicable addendum. In a dispute the Residential Tenancies Act will alway prevail. For commercial leases, the same could prepare the lease, however, depending on the complexity I would advise having a lawyer review a template for use, and any customized leases prior to signing.  
    • Use as a sounding board on various tenant issues and must have intimate knowledge with the Ontario RTA and related case law including N13 and N5 type cases.  I recommmend Lyon Gilbert,  Out of Court
    • Represent me in the LTB where necessary, I recommend Luigi Caparelli, Gold Key Management Group,
    • Initiate collections where warranted -   an experienced and competent Property Manager, Administrator.

    wishing you the very best, good luck.  


    OREIO Membership Co-ordinator

    The Vacancy Solution - Professional Property Management & Leasing Services. 

    Last modified: Fri, July 06, 2018 7:11 AM | Deleted user
  • Thu, July 05, 2018 1:06 PM
    Message # 6361861
    Christian Szpilfogel (Administrator)

    Hi Guys,

    My firm is growing and I need to scale my operations more effectively.

    I'm looking for recommendations for a legal advisor that I can use for the following:

    • preparing and customizing leases (residential and commercial)
    • Use as a sounding board on various tenant issues and must have intimate knowledge with the Ontario RTA and related case law including N13 and N5 type cases.
    • Represent me in the LTB where necessary
    • Initiate collections where warranted
    I'm not looking for the cheapest advisor but I do want council to have a track record of managing things cost efficiently.

    Ideally I need someone based in Ottawa and / or Carleton Place.

    I am a sophisticated client as I have managed lawyers before and been involved in various court actions so I know how to properly take advice.

    I would appreciate any recommendations that you feel strongly about.

    Thank you!


    p.s. I have cross posted this here and the REIN forums. Hopefully that is ok. :)

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